Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lies & El Roi - John 8:44 Genesis 16:13

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44
She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

Isn't it amazing the lies we allow the devil to plant in our minds? These seeds of doubt get planted, and rather than dig up the seed we allow it to stay. We ponder over it, cultivate it & repeat it to ourselves until it becomes a type of truth...a mantra if you will... our mind believes. Oh how we can allow Satan to make us our own worst enemy.
The lie I am currently fighting has to do with the size of my clothes. When I started this journey in July I was in a tight 24 pant, 3X shirts & 44DDD bra. I hated buying clothes! HATED!!! I had become a champ at berating myself. I needed no enemy's... I was doing a better job at that than anyone else could! I currently can wear a size 18 comfortably (no muffin top!!), a size XL shirt & 40DD bra (a "blessing" I have inherited I'm afraid will never get much smaller!). Written down these number look great! Yes I wanna be smaller, but on paper these numbers thrill me!! But then I look at the clothes...( this is where that ole serpent likes to make his entrance) and I see these articles of clothing and I just can't get my mind to grasp that I can actually fit in these. My mind goes into a panic type mode... These are to small... You'll never look good in these...You shouldn't have gotten rid of your bigger clothes...You are gonna look like a pig squeezed into a too small shirt...What are people gonna say about you in this...You're gonna look fat...You really need to just stop trying to look decent...63lbs isn't really THAT much weight to have lost... You can't really tell you've lost that much weight... You're still fat...You can't do it...You're not a success...You are a failure... You need to just give up now...What's the point...You're gonna gain it all back anyway...OH MY WORD!!! It's like a war zone in my head. See how the devil can take one tiny lie & blow it up into a million big ones...and all of it over an article of clothing. Finally I yell (sometimes literally) SHUT UP!!!!!!! I say a prayer & against all of my minds persistent yells of defeat I put the clothes on anyway and stand in front of a mirror... And I see me.The jeans hug my newer sleeker curves nicely, but not in a vulgar way. The shirt slips on easily & fits great with no pulling at seams. I look in the mirror and see who I really am...I see the me emerging that God created me to be. I see who God sees when He looks at me.
Friends, I am not perfect. I have slip up & I have total fall downs. I can soar one moment & be broken on the ground the next. My life has been through many battles, some self-imposed. But I have learned through all of this the truth of all truths. My God sees me & loves me! Even when I cannot love myself, even when I make mistakes on the journey He has placed me on, even when my mind tries to listen to the lies of the enemy..He is still and forever will be El Roi... The God who sees me! The God who knows my inner most being and STILL sent His son to die for me. The God who loves me no matter what my pant size is. The God who loves me so much that His desire is for me to see me the way He sees me. The God who loves me in my brokenness & who loves me to much to leave me in that place.
Can you remember this truth today? When you slip up, when lies try to sneak into your head. Remember, The God that sees you... He loves you. And there is nothing you can do, no lie that can be said & no pant size you can wear that will EVER change that!

Finding Hope - 1 Peter 1:3


So.. this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down... Wait...90's flashback!! Sorry!! But seriously, who didn't love the 90's?!?!?!

Hi friends! I was blown away & overwhelmed by the huge amount of support & questions of my success story on the MFP forum!! While I'm not done with my journey (thus making it unreal to see myself as a success story) I am close to my goal. This is a life long journey so I will never be officially done...that used to be so hard to say... Everyone dreams of crossing that finish line. The truth is there is no finish line in this life & this journey.... But I digress, back to my life!
When I look back on my life I can never remember a time where I was skinny. I am the middle child of 3 sisters. Life was not typical for me. For most of my life my mom was either in an abusive marriage to my adoptive father or was a single mother. My biological father basically told me at the age of 13 (the first time I had met him) that he did not want me. My adoptive father (I found out when I was 10 he adopted me when I was 3.. had no idea we weren't blood) showed his love in a way that made it not worth having. He actually disowned me later in life because I stood up against him & his abuse & neglect of my grandmother. Throughout my childhood I suffered from physical, mental & sexual abuse.... that is so hard to type. I deleted that sentence twice before I left it. It's hard to say, it sucks to say but its truth & part of who I was so I will leave it. I remember suffering from depression as a child, suicidal thoughts....I know what the technical term is for it now. I did not then. I just remember being bullied and ridiculed for my tears & insecurities. Which of course only brought me lower. I felt of no worth. Home life wasn't good, school life wasn't good... no safe place. My mom, who had divorced my adoptive father, kinda went wild. Clubs, drinking, etc.... I won't go into to much detail because that is her story to tell & not mine. I felt abandoned by her. I wasn't bitter towards her, and now I can even understand her. I just remember craving my momma! She was running from the Lord & running from her children although she didn't realize doing the former was causing the latter.(Let me add to this story that I "grew up" in church. My great grandmother was a pastor, my uncle is a pastor. I always knew about God, but never really had a relationship with Him.) When I was 13 years old I had my first real experience with God. I was seeking love & I found it. I asked Him into my heart & was filled with His Holy Spirit! And that was where my childhood began to change. My mother, who had an experience that brought her to practically witnessing the death of a child in a house fire, had an awakening. She realized what she was doing to her kids. And when she saw what I was experiencing with God (she now says) she didn't want to get left behind. She came running back to God!! When looking back I say this is when I got my momma back. And, just like God does, it was right on time. I can say now she is one of my best friends. She is also a preacher & is currently on her way to Venezuela for a 3 week mission trip to preach Gods word!!!
For a while things were good. I still dealt with childhood issues that never really got resolved, just buried. I'll fast forward a few years. I was always chubby, never slim. Had one guy tell me he would date me if my hips weren't so big. Had a well meaning adult tell me if I would just lose some weight I would be so beautiful. I had "boyfriends" in my life but had my first serious boyfriend when I was 15. We were both Christians but we were not deep enough in the word that we could stand strong. Together we fell & gave into peer pressure which included premarital sex & typical teenage rebellion. I had always said I would not be with anyone until I was married so giving into this was heart breaking for me. After almost a year of dating he broke up with me, which only added to my internal self worth issues.
Shortly after our break up I rebounded with a guy that I should have probably ran from...ok no probably about it.. I should have ran!!! Lol!!! I went to the dark side with this relationship! Total rebellion from God. After 1 1/2 years together I turned 18, moved into my own apartment & got pregnant... all on the same day! What can I say.. I multi task.... haha! 6 weeks later me & Mr. wrong got married, trying to do "the right thing"... then he did the wrong thing & cheated on me...with my friend. I was devastated, broken & all the old feelings of having no worth came back. I begged him to stop, begged him not to leave me, did things I swore I would never do to try & keep him. It's amazing what the devil can get you to do for someone who was totally not worth it. I was convinced it was all my fault. It's cause I was fat. I had gained SO much weight with my pregnancy. At the time I was at my heaviest of 200+ lbs. Wearing a size 18-20. Fresh, ugly stretch marks. I did everything thing wrong & nothing was ever good enough. He still left. I thank God now. I was 19, had a 5 month old baby & alone. And like most people do when they hit rock bottom I turned to God. Life was still hard & I was still hurting but I knew God would take care of me. I believed God would restore my marriage. I am so thankful He didn't
After a little over a month of my husband leaving me I met Eric. Because of my depression (& wanting to vomit every time I thought of my husband & his mistress together) I had lost 50lbs in a month... yes 1 month. Not healthy at all... I hardly ate. But I was looking good physically, the smallest I ever remember being. Eric had just come out of a long term relationship, me just out of a marriage... & we rebounded with each other. I thought he was the answer to my prayers. Didn't take long before I thought life was going pretty good so I didn't need to really go all in with God...I filed for divorce to my current husband, it was final on Nov 2 2001, we got engaged Nov 3 2001 & we were married Dec 1 2001... 4 1/2 months after meeting. In love.. I'm not sure at that point.. definitely in lust. The first 5 years of our marriage was horrible... He had a huge temper & I had major baggage issues. I mean honestly we didn't REALLY know each other when we got married. There were periods of happiness, but longer periods of bad. I put on weight like crazy. Burying my hurt & anger with food. Divorce was a word that I had thrown around liberally, but never went through with it. We split several times but only for a day or 2. I stayed because of pride & for my daughter. Her father was a deadbeat & wasn't in the picture. My husband was her daddy & all she had known. I didn't want to have a second divorce under my belt. Also I felt like who would want me. I'm was a fat, would be divorced twice woman with a kid. I tried diets, would lose a few but it never stuck. When it got really bad I would run to God, but that too never stuck. Finally at 5 1/2 years I just couldn't handle it any more... I was bruised & bleeding more than I could handle. I was raw. I was broken. I was done. I'd rather be alone than be in the painful cycle our marriage had become. I told my husband I wanted a divorce & he agreed. Neither of us were happy. We loved each other but just couldn't make this marriage work, I had the paper work drawn up, My grandmother had got a house for my daughter & I to live in, my mom had helped us get furniture. I was just waiting for the house to close out so we could move. My husband had a wake up call. He realized I was serious. And he didn't want to lose me or my/our daughter. He came to me one night, buried his head in my lap, cried & begged me to stay. Begged me for one more chance. Swore things would change. It was hard, but I agreed to stay. And even though we weren't living for God I can see His hand in that situation. Things actually changed. Our marriage turned into one that I cherish! We became a team, worked together and not against each other. Life wasn't perfect but it was good. I still had issues that resurfaced from time to time... I buried them with food. 6 months after we reconciled our marriage I became pregnant with our middle daughter. I was already up to 255lbs at that point. Once again I put on weight while pregnant and was up to 280 when I gave birth. My cycle of eating & burying continued. I gained weight still. Got up to 300+lbs. Not sure how much because I stopped weighing myself. January of 2009 I said enough & started a diet & stuck with it! I got down to 240lbs. I thought I had finally "got it" & was going to succeed! Then in Sept I was in a car wreck that totaled my car. 1 month later I found out I was pregnant & ended up losing that baby which also required surgery. Depression hit me hard & fast. I was a stone sinking...quick. I was placed on medication to help, & it did. But I put on 30lbs. All pretense of a diet or healthy living was out the window. And so the cycle continued.... just one more thing I failed at. I gave up at that point. I was apparently meant to be fat. God would have made me differently if He meant for me to be skinny. 6 months after losing the baby I found out that (by total surprise) I was pregnant again!! We were scared but happy. Money was tight. But we would deal with it. When I gave birth this time I was 294lbs...& only had $3 in the bank. We struggled, bad. I can't believe we didn't totally collapse. Then, it was like God turned up the rescue efforts by 1000! Lol! My husband (who always had an aversion to church) felt like we needed to start going. But we both felt like my family church wasn't where God was leading us. We started going to our current church & WHAM!!! Can I say God opened the flood gates!!! My husband got saved & filled with the Spirit. I rededicated my life to God. This is where my healing began. God began to work with my on the issues in my life. He started small, I quit smoking ( I had smoked consistently since I was 18). Then he worked on several other things... fixing me I say, lol! My issues from childhood were brought to the surface & were healed. My wounds no longer bleed. The scars are still there but I am proud of them. They show where I've been and what I have survived. They show the amazing healing power of my God.
All during this time I had been yo-yo dieting & gotten down to 270 at one point. I even started running and had gotten up to running 2 miles before joint and feet issues forced me to stop. I honestly felt like weight was the one thing I could not conquer. I could do all these other things, but just could not do this successfully. I was so so so tired of failing & being disappointed. My life seemed to be a vicious cycle of defeat in this one area. I was hopeless. I gave up. I just said GOD I CAN NOT DO IT! And that was just what He was waiting for me to say. He started talking to me in that still small voice. "You are more than this Cara" "Your body is my temple" "You can be successful" "Give this to me & let me do a good work in you" "It is time"...and boy did I resist!! Big time... even rebelled a little. Went into a cookie, ice cream everything fried eating frenzy... trying to prove I can be fat AND happy... all the while not liking who I was seeing in the mirror. I was up to 290 lbs... in the back of my mind I felt like it wasn't THAT bad because I hadn't reached my highest again. Then things started to get real... God was a constant, yet loving echo in my head. Give this to me, Give this to me, Give this to me... I just could not fail one more time though. I didn't have it in me to go through the self bashing I knew would inevitably happen. I thought what's the point... I'm just going to go back to the way I was. Why even try?!?!? I even downloaded the audio book Made to Crave onto my phone. Had it there for 2 weeks before I listened to it. I started listening to it & got even more afraid... What if I did do this with Gods help & failed?? What does that say about me? About My faith? About my God?!?!? If I can't do THIS with His help then what's the point of anything?!?!? Then the Sunday after I started listening to the book my pastor said "If there is something God has been dealing with you about, something you need to let go of and give to Him, but you have been resisting. He says NOW IS THE TIME!! Come down here and get prayer and let God heal this for you." Can I just say HELLO GOD, I HEAR YA LOUD AND CLEAR!!! LOL!!! Needless to say I went and poured my heart out to God on the alter & laid all this burden down at His feet. I told Him "Ok God, I'm gonna do this with your help and through your power. You help me succeed & I will make sure YOU get the glory every step of the way!" And let me tell you He has kept His end of the deal!! I have learned so much in this process!! This has been more of a spiritual journey with physical benefits!!! I learned that all those times I tried and failed I was looking for the approval & love of others & not seeking love from the true source, God. I was trying to do it all in my own power & not His. I learned I do not have to be a victim of my poor choices! I do not have to be stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat! Who I am is not determined by my circumstances in life. I am no longer Cara the girl who was fatherless, who was abused, who was abandoned, who was used, who had failed, who had been broken, who suffered depression, who thought killing herself would be easier than living, who searched for love, who had no hope, who was a teen mom, who was a statistic, who was fat...the girl who cried. I do not have to live by those titles any more!! I am Cara the daughter of the most high God, Cara the victor in all circumstances, Cara who was rescued, Cara who was made whole, Cara who is loved with an everlasting love, Cara who is worth dying for, Cara who is forgiven, Cara who has an everlasting hope, Cara who's tears were counted... I now see my self for who I am and not for what I was. I am a child of God & I will treat the body He gave me as such! Now, let me add. It has been me doing the work, me lifting the weights & me eating the correct food. But it has been God giving me the "want to" & the will power to succeed!
I know this has been long, and I am so sorry. Once I started typing I couldn't stop. I wanted you to be able to get a full grasp on who I am and where I have come from. And I also wanted you to be able to see the amazing restoring power of my God. He can do the same for you. I urge you to seek Him & a relationship with Him. If I can help you on that path please let me know!
God Bless!!!